Pre/Post Care

Permanent Makeup.

Powder Brows

Am I a good candidate for Powder Brows?

Please review our contraindication checklist: (If any of these apply to you please contact us before booking)

  • Under 18

  • Diabetes type 1 (doctor's approval required if insulin resistant)

  • Botox/Fillers (specifically forehead — no botox 3 weeks before or after procedure)

  • Heart disease of any kind (requires doctor's approval)

  • Blood disorders of any kind (requires doctor's approval)

  • Epilepsy (requires doctor's approval)

  • Pregnant or Breastfeeding

  • Taking blood thinners (doctor to approve coming off a few days before your procedure)

  • Taking ARV’s

  • Active Herpes outbreak (cold sore)

  • Autoimmune disease (let your technician know about any)

  • Chemotherapy (6 months after)

  • Trichotillomania

  • Skin conditions such as, but not limited to, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, broken capillaries, and/or rosacea on or around the treatment area

  • Allergy to Topical Anesthetic/Epinephrine (Lidocaine, Benzocaine, Tetracaine, Prilocaine)

  • Accutane— if used within the past year*

  • Hepatitis (have or had in the past)

  • Moles, lesions, sores on the area to be treated (Moles on the area should be assessed and removed by your dermatologist, and fully healed before the procedure)

  • Keloid or Hypertrophic scarring (a patch test is recommended 4 weeks before)


  • NO sunburns for 3-4 weeks prior to the procedure.

  • Botox injections and fillers should be performed no less than 4 weeks prior. They can alter the position of your brows and the texture of your skin.

  • Must not be on antibiotics

  • No Accutane within one year of treatment

  • No surgery of any kind

  • Do NOT use a tanning bed 2 weeks prior. If you have a sunburn at the time of the appointment, you will be rescheduled

  • Avoid waxing or tinting 2 weeks prior to service

  • NO Retinols, Retin-A, anti-aging creams 2 weeks before.

  • No alcohol, drugs, caffeine consumption, blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Aleve, NSAIDS, vitamin E, multivitamins, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne pepper supplements, fish oil, or vitamins 48-72 hours before. No exceptions.

 * If you use any of the above as daily medications, please consult your doctor before stopping* 



What to expect immediately after the semi-permanent treatment?

Firstly, the depth of the colour of your brow will be dark, red & swollen but don’t panic as this is completely normal. Over the following 4-10 days, it will begin to fade, and shrink and may take up to 4-6 weeks for the true colour to come through. Also, don’t be alarmed if the colour seems to disappear during the healing process; this is due to layers of skin forming and it is only temporary.

Day 1 & 2

For the first hour post-appointment, blot your brows with a clean tissue to remove plasma. If the oozing dries on the brows, it'll create massive scabs.

Then, wipe the eyebrows with the provided cotton pads every hour with clean hands. At least 4-5 times today and tomorrow

Day 3-10

No more wiping. Wash brows morning and night for 10 days. Use a tiny bit of any unscented gentle cleanser (Dove, Cetaphil) and wash brows GENTLY in direction of the hair. It's a light swipe. Pat dry with a clean towel. Apply cream provided morning and night time after washing with clean hands. Do NOT apply too much ointment. Only apply the size of a grain of rice for both brows. DO NOT get them wet other than washing outside of the shower.

  • No makeup around your brow area for 10-14 days


  • Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring and/or loss of colour

  • No facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks

  • Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for one week

  • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after the procedure. Wear a hat when outdoors

  • Avoid swimming, lakes, and hot tubs for the first 10 days

  • NO NOT tug, pick or scratch the treated area

  • Use a fresh pillowcase

  • Use SPF 30+ on your brows once they’re healed to protect them

Ideally, you should avoid water for at least 1 week, but it isn’t always possible. So, shower with your back to the water to avoid shampoo and conditioner from getting into pigmented areas. If the area does get wet, pat very gently with a clean towel or clean tissue.